Saturday, April 27, 2013

Teen clothing trends all grown up...for Grandmothers too?

My daughter and I went shopping on her birthday this last week.  We were wandering through the teen department of our big department store when I remembered the time when this very daughter was herself a teen.  The years have gone by and on that day we were talking about my granddaughter who will be turning 16 within the next week or so. How time does fly.

What hit me was how tempting it was to keep looking at those young looking clothes. Bright colors, trendy styles and youthful design will always appeal to my eye. But who among us wants to look like our teen daughter or granddaughters? Even if we wanted to, the shape of our bodies would not allow it generally.

I have often wondered why we see older woman clothing follow those teen-like trends within a few years but I suppose it is only natural. Teen style all grown up can be very beautiful.

The bright colors that we all love can still work their way into our wardrobes. An older woman may prefer a three quarter sleeve and a longer t-shirt but that doesn't mean they can't have all that luscious color. Even a shear blouse with a tank under is attractive, youthful looking but still conservative to suit even the most modest dresser. I loved the long sleeved linen shirts I saw at j.jill when we were shopping.  They were the perfect cross between bright colors and a mature woman's look.
j.jill Linen Shirts
(Other Spring Looks)

Fossil Austin Flap Handbag
I happen to love the Austin Flap Handbag (Google Affiliate Ad). The color is just perfect because it seems to go with almost anything and will carry a person through all the seasons. I am still hoping to find it at just the right price.  This google ad is the best I have seen so far.

Still, I really don't want to dress like someone I am not. I love black and white (very trendy this year I hear), crop pants or slacks and sleeves.  I put my body parts away one winter several years ago and just never got them out again.  I want people to think I look good all over but not really know the truth.
My teenaged granddaughter loves very short shorts and crop shirts. Her mother dresses like the professional she is but we did buy her a pair of orange high heeled sandals on her always need a little color in their wardrobe. As for me, I am still wearing my orange tennis shoes.  They just make me feel good. W
hen I dress up I will put on my gray slacks, black shoes, a white shirt and a very bright yellow sweater or even one with beautiful flowers. I am what I am!


Have a wonderful day.


Great links or fashion conscious women:
That's Not My Age
Second Lives Club
Live Better America
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