Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Supporting My Local School for Mother's Day!

Fund Raiser
I am a huge fan of children. I suppose that is why I am a sucker for school fund raisers. The cost is out of sight for most of the things they sell but I don't mind. But I am always glad to go to the yearly flower sale at our local high school because they have made it possible for parents and students to buy Mother's Day gifts at a reasonable price. It is the schools way of giving a little back. 

The student sales organization call themselves Crimson Florist and students from throughout the school make things to sell. Wood shop, metal shop and the green house all begin production sometime early in the year so they can be ready for the crowd that shows up to buy what they have created during the week before Mother's Day.

Today I scored two Adirondack chairs hand painted by the young men selling them. $50 each and hand painted! Wow.

Where: Glenco High School, Hillsboro Oregon
When: Today until Friday (and maybe longer)
Items for Sale

My Chairs
Out and About
The neighborhood is alive with activity right now.  Weather in Oregon has been the best in history for this time of year.  Temperatures in the 80's for almost two week. No rain in view until Mother's Day. It is almost scary.

Have a wonderful day.

Neighborhood daycare workers taking a walk on a warm Spring morning.

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