Monday, November 11, 2013

Santa Fe: Real as the Photographs? Well not quite!

We just returned from a weeks vacation in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I had been yearning to take my camera for a walk for sometime.  On this vacation I took over 300 pictures. Aren't digital cameras wonderful.  We can take hundreds of pictures and enjoy them for years to come, all without the cost of developing pictures and buying film.  In a way I think our camera's have paid for themselves over the years.

I use a Sony NEX 5n camera. Photoshop Elements plus iPhoto and PhotoZoom Pro5 help me edit the pictures to my liking. I love that what I see is not necessarily what I get. I hope you enjoy!
El Sanctuario de Chamayo

Georgia O'Keefe's Ghost Ranch (I bought a print of her rendition of this scene)

Mailboxes on Canyon Road, Santa Fe

Canyon Road, Santa Fe Colors

The last sunflower!

Albuquerque Restaurant Bird

Old Town Albequerque

Canyon Road Activist say that Jesus wants you to buy folk art!

Hatch Chiles drying in the sun on the roof of a market. Hatch, New Mexico

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