Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas decorating in a VERY small space!

Keeping it simple is the only way we can live in such a very, very small space.  When we find treasures that we love and want to display them for even just one season, we have to find ways to morph fall into winter and then into spring. 

This year we bought a metal rooster in Wickenburg, AZ. We will love it for a season and then who knows what we will do next year. He was beautiful in the fall but now it is Christmastime and he needs to become a Christmas rooster. The arrangement at the right looks like dried fall foliage. I added plastic Christmas tree decorations to both and now they are looking very festive.

This lantern I bought at Home Goods become a Christmas decoration with the
addition of a white pottery santa ornament.

Our potted palm gets some lights and garlands.
It is kind of tacky but it looks happy and proud.

Why do we do it this way. Well, if we want to live within our space and not have boxes stacked around everywhere, we need to keep the extra things to a minimum.  I just don't want my alley space to get filled with things I cannot put away inside. This really works for us.

Have a wonderful day.

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