Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Books: 4 Outstanding Authors on My Bookshelf

Cover of "Run"
Cover of Run
Cover of "Team of Rivals: The Political G...
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

Cover of "Cutting for Stone (Vintage)"
Cover of Cutting for Stone

Cover of "Mistress of the Art of Death"
Cover of Mistress of the Art of Death

When you read by genre, a whole world of things can happen while you are not looking. That is what happened to me while I was reading the biographies of the founding fathers (30 or More Books You Might Like) plus the big wonderful Steve Jobs book.  People kept telling me about fiction they were reading but one can only read so much. I might add that I needed cataract surgery...but now that I can see again, life is good. Let the reading begin!

But now I am on a quest to get caught up with several years of reading. Here is what I have on my book shelf:

State of Wonder, Bell Canto, Run and any other book Ann Patchett has written.
Cutting for Stone, Abraham Verghese
Mistress of the Art of Death, Ariana Franklin
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, Doris Kearns Goodwin

I suggest you look at Book People and their blog post, Ann Patchett Recommends.

That should do me for a while...any suggestions for the BEST books you have read lately?


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  1. All fantastic choices. I recommend Amor Towles' Rules of Civility and anything by British novelist Deborah McKinlay including The View from Here

  2. I envy you the discovery of Ann Patchett - she is a brilliant writer and each of her books is unforgettable. State of Wonder is especially great.

  3. I just came across your blog. I am in MN, and will probably be a snow bird too after I retire. I always worry about money (not enough of it) so I will work two more years and call it done.


  4. I just discovered Nevada Barr and her wonderful Park Ranger character, Anne Pigeon. A reader suggested I check her out; I'm glad I did.


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