Thursday, May 29, 2014

Grandparenting: On Herding Cats

Wiggly Little People!
My beautiful grandson, Brycen, was in his end of school program today. He is four. It is so much fun to watch these little people in situations like this. They are just being who they are and they do not worry much about anything else. I have taught this age group and I will tell you right now it is a bit like herding cats.

When they walk onto the stage, their shirts are tucked in and every hair is in place. Before long the cowlick and the shirt tail has escaped and both shoes are untied. I don't know how or why but there you have it. 

When I looked around the room I could see that every mom, dad and grandparents was smiling.
His mom and dad are heros in Brycen's eyes!
My grandson told his teacher he wanted to be a paramedic when he grew up just like his mom and dad. That made we wonder when the little boy next to him wanted to be a you suppose his parents are Batman and Wonder Woman? Maybe in his eyes they are.

This is one of the joys of being retired and can spend time close to your children and grandchildren. When people ask me what I do all day I always wonder if they could even guess. Life is good.


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