Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day is My Day to Laugh...How men peel apples from Facebook!

If you have seen this and haven't shared it with me, shame on you! This is just hilarious. I want to try it. I do not like to peel apples.


  1. Hi Barbara -- Very clever; got to try it sometime. Got a question for you. I notice a lot of amazon ads on your site. You must do the amazon associates program. I tried it briefly, but didn't get much response (i.e. only a cpl of people actually bought something thru my site). Does it work for you; and if so, would you share your secret? Thx!

  2. Oh my! This is really hilarious! :D Thanks for sharing. I had a good laugh...looks clever but I think I'll stay with the traditional ways to peel apples. :)


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