Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Truth about Gratitude

Did you know that the good feeling you can get from being grateful is magic in some ways. Did you know it can be overused? Really, it is a fact that if you overuse your gratitude response, it will lose it's magic. That was a hard lesson for me to learn because I need that gratitude response for a sleep aid and to get past some rough spots in my life.

I don't know if I know that because I have read about it or if I have just had the experience. But the truth is that if I go to the fountain greedily, there is no healing water.

Alphabet Salad is running a link up today. I want to post my link there but I am being very careful to make my list short and meaningful. I do not want my fountain to go dry.

  1. I am grateful that I get such joy from a job completed.
  2. I am grateful that I have found so many ways to be creative.
  3. I am grateful for all those wonderful books that I HAVE NOT read.
  4. I am grateful for YOU.
    just because it makes me happy!

    and this does too!
That's is enough for one day.  Be well my dear readers.



  1. I'm with you -- I'd rather a list that's short and meaningful instead of one that's long and forced and kind of made up.

    1. I had actually forgotten how to be grateful. A person asked me recently about a wish list and I had forgotten to be wishful too. It is a thought isn't it?

  2. I'd never heard that about gratitude. Seems the more I have of it, the better I feel.

    1. It could be that it is only me. But when I go to that fountain too often and try to bring up new things I begin to find the feeling is very different...almost forced.

  3. Lovely list - thanks for sharing your post with the Gratitude Linkup. :)

    1. Laurel, you are most welcome. It could become a ritual for me.


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