Thursday, December 25, 2014

Having Dinner With the Old Folks

New Year's Eve 2014....what a wonderful year it has been!
Merry Christmas to all of you out there in blog land. We are having dinner with the old folks today. That would be here in our 55+ community. In fact, I love this annual dinner every year. When we first came here over 6 years ago I was one of the youngers. Now I am beginning to feel like an elder matriarch in a large family...needed and loved.

I hope your day is beautiful and all your dreams come true.



  1. Merry Christmas, Barbara! I shall shortly be dining in comparable company --our kids and grandkids are scattered around the states.

  2. We just got back from the same thing at our park. My son said this morning, "What are you guys doing today?" I said, "Having Christmas dinner with about 200 grandmas and grandpas." He said "That sounds amazing." Then he laughed.

    It was amazing!


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