Tuesday, January 13, 2015

On Being an Oregon Duck

2006 Oregon Ducks football team
2006 Oregon Ducks football team (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We watched our Oregon Ducks go down to defeat last night. I don't care who you are in our state, that is a hard pill to swallow. Our college athletic teams are living breathing symbols of the state. All those true fans of the game lived and died with their team.

We know all about our team jerseys and the Nike connection to Oregon. The fact that the TEAM does not plasters stars all over the helmets could be a way of telling the world that one man's success only contributes to the whole. The wing symbols on the helmets and shoulders of the uniforms are the eye candy that make the team look so elegant I think.  In many ways the state has Phil Knight to thank.  He is the benefactor that has brought so many wonderful changes to the University and all that it offers.

The game reminded me how proud each of us are of our local culture. Oregonians are no different. Those of us that have lived their whole life in the state take great pride in the way we live. I have even been know to brag just a little. In our hearts our children are more beautiful, our neighbors more helpful and our lifestyle more worthy. I know, it cannot all be true but unreasonable pride just swells in our breast when we talk about our state.

Our friends that live down the street from us here in our winter Arizona home are from Ohio. They are loyal Ohio State fans that follow their team unquestioningly. We had a long conversation this morning about the players from that team. They told me about the high school coaches for some of those young men and what adversity had taught them. They were very proud not only of their football skills but also of their ethics. I could see that Ohio State had earned the loyalty of the fans. I congratulated them on their team's success..

There was no need to put down the opposing team to make this fan feel better. Oregon and Ohio State brought us a wonderful evening of football finesse and, in Ohio State's case, brute strength that was impossible to overcome. On the other hand Oregon showed that, given a few less mistakes, they could have come out the winner. What a football season this has been.

There is always another year. But when you have a Heisman Trophy winner as a quarterback and he has already graduated so he won't be back, the chances that lightning will strike in Oregon again for a while is very small. We will keep our fingers crossed.


  1. We live in Washington but the college team we follow is the Ducks. It was a fine game and we are proud of our boys.

    May we exhibit the same sportsmanship about the game and outcome this weekend between the teams of Seattle and Green Bay.

    1. Yes, that is going to be a good one. The pro games last week end were so interesting. I wonder what they have in store for us this week.


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