Friday, October 2, 2015

What Are Friends For?


We had friends over for dinner last night. Wine, flowers and wonderful conversation filled the evening. The time spent with these wonderful people reminded me that time is short so filling our lives with the positive become more and more important. The evening made me smile. That is what friends are for I think.

We talked about our health...people our age tend to do that. Family always comes up. We solved the homeless problem and discussed family living and gone. Best of all we express our gratitude for all the good in our lives. Not once did the conversation turn to gossip. In my world it was all perfect.

The evening was so warm and the talk personal and well, real. Good friends are very hard to find and I do not give up on a friend easily. The positive one especially.


Earlier this week my husband and I took my camera out for a ride. The pictures above were taken in Carlton, Oregon, home to some of the best Bordeaux style wine around. I just thought you needed to know.

Bocci court at Cana's Feast Winery

Have a wonderful day.



  1. You're right about good friends being hard to find. I try to sustain those nourishing relationships as well.

    1. I have come to appreciate friendship more and more. When I was working they were part of the job. Now they are part of my life. I like that.

  2. You're right about good friends being hard to find. I try to sustain those nourishing relationships as well.


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