Wednesday, May 11, 2016

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The oldest known version [of Mistress Mary] was first published in Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book (c. 1744) with the following lyrics:
Mistress Mary, Quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With Silver Bells, And Cockle Shells,
And so my garden grows.[1]
Now that you garden is growing quite beautifully, thank you!

When we bought this house 4 years ago we bought a wonderful house with a not so wonderful yard. My husband does not ever want a lawn so we set out to fill a fairly large lot with flowers and green plants of every sort.

Here is the before and the after.
The friendships that have grown in the process have been every bit as beautiful. When I work in my yard, people stop and talk. I am at my very happiest when someone asked me for a plant or even wants to walk my garden with me.

The after pictures were taken a few minutes ago. What a beautiful day.

How does your garden grow?



  1. How pretty! Love the plants and the added color. Now you're going to have to share with me what types of plants we can plant in AZ that will last year round. We just have a small spot in front of our Park Model. Nothing is there right now. I am very partial to ornamental grasses, but don't know if they like the extreme heat. All this to say your yard is gorgeous!
    Sue in Colorado

    1. Sue, the growing season in Arizona in the winter is cool. We planted pansies this year (believe it or not). A desert sage (salvia) grows and lives year to year. But we do have a simple irrigating system that we leave on in the summer. If everything dies, we just replant simple things and water. It come back so fast that it is amazing.

      I love the type of planting you are talking about...drought tolerant and beautiful. Do some research and have some fun. That is what our life is all about :)

  2. We live in California and have many drought tolerant plants. Mexican feather grass might work for Barbara. In our front yard we have red fountain grass, each clump 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide and it doesn't need watering. I also like our vegetable garden. Your walk way with plantings is very pretty, I can see why your neighbors stop to chat.


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