Saturday, June 4, 2016

Lessons Learned from Green Bananas

Green bananas are a symbol that people use for how old they are. If they are still buying the green ones, they plan on living until the end of the week. If they only buy yellow one, their future does not seem that safe.

I do still buy green bananas. But...I also know the clock is ticking. If something is not coming to fruition in the near future, I do stop and think about whether I want to do that or not.
Backyard today!
I suppose the my garden is the place that I am insistent upon getting the mature and ripe fruit. The clock is ticking and I am never going to see a seedling tree grow to maturity. I honestly want to get a full grown one. That applies to shrubs too. There cannot not be any waiting for ten years or more to enjoy what we have planted.

When we moved into our current house the backyard was lined along the back with scraggly juniper shrubs. Before my husband could get control of the situation, my son and I managed to remove a couple. Then the rest remained in place and we worked to make the rest OK. Now they are beautiful and we enjoy them...but that was 5 years ago this summer.

Front Yard the first year (2012)!
Front Yard this year!
My husband likes to wait for the seedling and the dead plant to come to life. He will salvage a tiny tree seedling even though we will not see it grow. Someone out there in the world may need it. I love his optimism and youthful spirit. 

We balance each other perfectly most of the time. Our life is good. There is a spot between green bananas and ripe ones that suits us both.

Have a wonderful day.



  1. Love this. Thanks for sharing. I still buy green bananas, but there are some things . . .

  2. Optimism, youthful spirits and balance are all good things to remember. Thanks for sharing,Barbara.


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