Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Thinking of a Snow Bird Lifestyle?

A golfing partner and a good friend
in Green Valley AZ.
I was clothes shopping this morning and ran into a woman at JJills. As I dug through the sale racks, we began to visit about this and that. As it turned out, she and her husband live in a neighborhood my husband and I lived in for 10 years. She came here from Ohio to be near to children.

Other than the fact that I am a native Oregonian, we could be lifestyle twins. She taught 2nd grade for 22 years and I taught in the elementary level off and on for over 30. We both live in the PDX area because we want to be close to our families.

After we had talked for a while she revealed that she and her husband were going to vacation in Phoenix for 2 month this winter. They found a place in Sun City. It was the first time they had considered being snowbirds.

Oh my gosh, is she in for a fun time or what! I could not contain my enthusiasm for her and the experience that is opening up for her.

Although I am somewhat of an expert on the snowbird lifestyle and know in detail about practical ins and outs, the first thing that always comes out of my mouth when I meet someone new to my world is how much they are going to enjoy the people! There is nothing quite like spending time with age mates. It is freeing like nothing else.

The inside of our park model doll house!
Then we began talking about the cost. She said she couldn't imagine doing it for six month like my husband and me. The cost just blew her mind. They are paying $3000 a month for their rental.

When I explained the cost of a park model, the rent and how it worked I could see her thinking about the possibility. If they were to rent for six months at that rate it would cost them $18,000 a year! WOW!
Visiting Grandchildren
So, are you thinking about being a snowbird?


Here is some information from previous posts.

Snowbird Lifestyle (a collection of all the posts with that label)

Should You Be a Snowbird
Experiencing Retirement Before You Retire
14 Links Every Smart Snowbird Should Visit
How to be a Snowbird...answers and lists! (my most visited post)


  1. How nice you two met so you could give her some inside info on being a snowbird.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We have been snowbirds for a few years now. We have worked our way up to 3 months and love it. Care for my elderly mom keeps me from staying longer; but maybe some day!

  4. Yes, but our second place will also be on the East Coast.
    Kids are here That has taken 15 years to achieve. We are staying put and loving it!
    We still will visit PHX twice a year while mom is alive. Hop in and hop out. I don't miss the desert.
    Love reading about your adventures,
    It's like reading about great summer camps when I was a kid.


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