Tuesday, August 9, 2016

You Don't Need a Reason to be Happy!

I have been reading Louis Sachar's book Sideways Stories from Wayside School to my grandson this summer. The Wayside School was built 30 stories high instead of 30 classroom long. The idea just makes me smile.

Louis Sachar's book was the perfect choice for this eight year old. Even though the characters are odd and in many cases, impossible, the storyline somehow reaches him in ways I can't.

We were reading the chapter about the little boy that came to school smiling from ear to ear. The classroom on the thirtieth floor needed someone to smile on that particular day. Even though no one could figure out why, they started smiling too, even the mean kid. But no one could get DJ, the smiling boy, to tell why he was so happy. They guessed and guessed but he could not answer. He was too busy smiling.
Brayden's school is not sideways. 
All 30 classroom are on the ground.

We found the answer when DJ went to recess.
Louis, the yard teacher, called, "Hey, DJ Come here."
They walked to the far corner of the playground, where they were alone.
"What's up DJ?" Louis asked.
DJ just smiled.
"Come on, DJ. You can tell me. Why are you so happy?"
DJ looked up at him. He said, "You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy."
Isn't that just perfect? We can list the reasons we are sad but happy? We don't need a reason.

Don't your agree?

Have a wonderful day!


I often wonder if authors are not like teachers in that they learn more when they are writing than their readers do.

Sachar is the guy that wrote Holes, There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom and other modern day children's classics. His stories are unique and often quirky but above all fun to read no matter your age. I'm glad I chose him for my summer reading with my grandson.

Click the image for Amazon availability.


  1. I love it! I'll keep that in mind while I walk around smiling today. :-)

    1. I woke up smiling in the middle of the night...for no reason at all! Funny huh?

  2. Such a great story! Thanks for sharing.

    1. A story like this is just too good not to share!


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