Wednesday, October 5, 2016

That one day we decided we need to go to Arizona.

Boy that title is a mouthful but it says it all. It is raining and there are only so many ways you can say "it is raining". My husband likes to talk about the weather although not as much as he used to. It turns out, even in retirement, weather talk can be boring!

Oregon...beautiful, wet, cold, dark...take your pick!

My husband is looking at vacations spots, searching our timeshares and considering airline tickets to places we will never go. It is getting a little dangerous to be trapped in our least financially.

Arizona...see what I mean?
We were going to stay until our granddaughter had her baby (and I still want to do that) but we may not make it. The cold and dark is very hard on us both.

AND we cannot afford to shop all the time. Wish us luck!



  1. Rain does give you the ability to post those gorgeous backyard pictures!

    1. Oh dear Betty, I have a whole disc full of rain pictures. I could post them from a beach in Mexico and no one would know. :)


  2. The winter sun is compelling. Hope you make it until the baby arrives---but if you don't---there is always Southwest!

    1. I really want to. We will see. But that is another post. Maybe today.

  3. The power of sunshine! We all need it. It boosts are spirits and encourages us to keep going. Hoping you can find some sunshine soon Barb!

  4. Warm and sunny is better than cold and dark ... not everybody gets that. Good luck!

    1. You are so right. I bought a light box for my son's little boy. The dark is not only hard on adults. Sigh.

  5. I am not that familiar with the west coast weather. I thought the endless rain and clouds were just on the coast. Can you visit the sun farther inland without having to go a great distance? Just curious.

    1. Well Oregon has several areas that are very different. If we travel of between 3-5 hours it will be dryer. But because we are so far north, when it is cold, it is cold everywhere. So, having said that, I suppose we go south for the warmth as much as the sun.

      And you are right. It is much rainier with clouds/fog on the coast. Beautiful though...very beautiful!

  6. I totally understand your need for sunshine! When the weather turns dreary for more than a few days at a time, I start to get very depressed.

    1. Me too. We will be going soon. Our granddaughter is having a baby in a very little while (she is in the hospital now) and we need to see it before we go. Then we will pack. :)


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