Thursday, November 3, 2016

2016 Election: On Wishing Time to Pass

Now I find myself wishing for the election to be over. That is something I said I would never do. Wishing my life to pass more quickly seems foolish to me.

Even when I was a very young woman with children living in a cold, drafty farmhouse down a dusty lane, I did not wish for even one day to pass faster than the others. My family worried for us and actually asked me if I was anxious to move on...didn't I wish that we were out of there? The answer was always a firm no. Life could be over soon even back then. I did not want to miss one single day.

When times are hard or heartbreaking, it would be very easy to miss the beautiful sunset or the warm autumn air. I wish I had an app on my phone that reminded me to take note. Do you suppose there is one of those? I suppose not.

As for the election in 2016, our life as we know it hangs in the balance. We will see if the American people are paying attention or if they aren't. I, for one, am with HER!



  1. This is a crucial election and I am with him; the outsider. Let's remain friends though we disagree.

    1. Absolutely...we get to vote and then we get to live with the choice willingly Terra. Thank you for coming by.

  2. I hope all friends and family members will be able to move past all of the intense emotion and divisive words that have happened during this election. I pray that friends will remain friends and family will continue to be there for each other when this election is all over. All of the politicians and all of their surrogates will continue to be who and what they are. All the candidates and their surrogates put together are not worth losing one friend or relationship with any family member.

    For me, this election cycle has gone on way too long.

    1. I agree...I am sooooo ready for this to be over with. We will move past our feelings so we can continue to live in a civilized way or the other. :)

  3. Yup, I am ready for Wednesday morning.
    No matter the outcome, we are in for a long four years of scandal and outrage.
    So sad.
    I used to love politics.
    Glad I learned to can and garden this year. Both take lots of practice.
    Maybe I will learn to sew again. Now, if I could just find that book.....

    1. We all know this is not going to be an easy 4 or 8 years. But, when has it been? I know I am so much better off financially than I was 8 years ago. We will have to wait and see what the future brings.

  4. I am with her!!! Holding my breath (figuratively) until this election is over. The thought of Trump in the white house scares me to death.

    So agree with you about not wishing our lives away, and appreciating the joy of the moment, when it comes.

    1. Today is a good day...and I am grateful for the freedom to vote. It is out of our hands now.

  5. I'm with Hillary too. I have said many times, I have waited my whole life for a woman president. Yes!! Do you all remember when Geraldine Ferrara was the vice president choice.( I think her last name was Ferrara,??)

    1. Ferraro I believe....yes I remember all too well. It was a beginning for us I think and even though she is gone, she should be remembered as a great fighter.

  6. I also can't wait for this election to be over. I support Trump. I voted for him because he seems more in line with my thinking about important issues that affect our in-debt country and would never vote because of race or gender. I hope the animosity will settle down. Susi's comments above are how I feel.

    1. I hope so too. I am glad you voted for your beliefs. That is all we can do. :)

  7. May we all hold friendship above politics!

    1. Well said Linda. Politics don't make for good table conversation or good friends. I remain pragmatic about most things. It is how we get things done but it is not always pretty.

      Be well.


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