Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Walking My Bottom Off...Really!

My Tucson Home
It turns out that I have to exercise hard almost every day. Darn! I can tell you for certain that there really is nothing I like better than writing, having coffee in bed, reading and watching TV on Acorn. Yes indeed. Sunday might be my favorite day of the week. Or is that Sunday when you sit around and pretend to rest.

But I don't go to church because I don't sit still that well. You can see where I am going with this...I am a split personality with big exercise issues.

So, when my doctor told me I had to get up and move, I took it to heart and the very next day I got up in the morning, put on my tennis shoes and went for a walk. Since August I have walked almost every day.

Now I am going to have a brand new clothes will not fit for very much longer. My wedding ring will have to be resized and my shoes are even looser on some days.

So, when I say I have walked my bottom off, I am not kidding! I feel great and, because this has to be a lifelong habit, I don't plan on stopping ever. My split personality is coming together because, in the end I am happier when I am moving.

Best of all, I am having a whole lot of fun! Life is good.


  1. Good for you! Your story is very motivating!

    1. I am so glad. It seems I need to write it down before it becomes real for me. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Excellent! Good for you. Walking the hills around my neighborhood is my favorite form of exercise.

    1. Me too...I am so curious about people, their homes and yards and what is going on around me. I have to walk to satisfy that curiousity.

  3. Every time I read an article about health and longevity, exercise has a prominent place. You should be very proud of yourself. I'm trying to walk every day, too, but I haven't been as disciplined as you. Enjoy shopping for smaller sizes.

    1. Oh, I do love to shop. I might add here that my friends around my age are doing what I am doing. Some are even running with their walks. I don't do that yet because I guess I don't want to. :)

  4. I exercise every day except Sunday, when I'm lucky to get 5000 steps. My weekly average is over 14,000 per day, so you might say I'm just a little addicted to exercise. So, good for you! Welcome aboard the exercise habit. :-)

    1. 14,000! That is amazing. You must be on the go...that is one of the things that keeps me from getting as many steps as I want. I like to sleep (really), read, write, take care of my home and watch TV. There is only so many hours in the day and I just run out of time.

      I love your hiking blogs DJan. What a wonderful way to spend any day. We have a hiking group here in the park and they go out into the desert at least once a week. I like the idea. :)


  5. Your walking is a big success and you are getting more and more tiny. We don't sit too much in our church, there is lots of standing and singing and walking around and greeting people.

    1. I wish I could find peace in a church. How wonderful that would be. I am liking the way I feel so that is the most important thing!

  6. I find that wearing a simple pedometer helps. I can't lie to myself about how far I've walked.

    1. I have an iWatch and a new iPhone that includes a pedometer app. They talk to each other so it is great to track what is going on in my life. The watch gets me up and moving because it reminds me that I have been sitting too long. Sometimes I want to put it in a dark place.

      Thank you for the encouragement.

  7. Oops. I hit publish before saying, "Good for you!" and "Great job"

  8. Congratulations! I wish I had your focused determination and motivation. I exercise - but not everyday. I am too often drawn (especially in the cold months) to coffee, couch and computer.

    1. The three "C's" will get us every time when the snow is flying and the fire is warm. :)

  9. This is a great reminder of just taking the first simple step towards a healthier lifestyle--and then making that a routine. Thank you for this important reminder.


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