Saturday, April 22, 2017

Family: I Used All Three Names

My children all were given three names...a first, a middle and a last. During the time that they were growing up those names came in handy on more than one occasion.

My best "three name look"!
The two boys have kept their names in tact but my daughter ditched her middle name when she married and replaced it with her maiden name. She thought she was off the hook I think. But that doesn't matter to me...I know what her middle name is/was and that is all that matters.

The thing is, after all these years (50+) I still call my children by all three names when I really want to get their attention. I know. I need to remember that I am not in charge. But sometimes it is hard being me. Thankfully, they indulge me most of the time.

I didn't realize that I would still call them by all three names until just recently. I was talking with my oldest son about something important and I found myself say "Anthony Sebastian Tyron (not his real name), are you serious?" Oh my gosh...I can just imagine him telling his wife "She used all three names! I am in deep trouble!" He is 53 years old.

All my "three name" family...lots to remember!
Does it make a difference when I get on a three name kick? Do they listen and laugh later? Am I ever going to quit being a mother, grandmother, and wife? The answer is probably a resounding NO to all three questions. What is a woman to do?


A little footnote here: My parents only gave me a front name and a last middle name. That space remained blank on applications. The funny thing is, I always thought I had been cheated of the chance to occasionally be someone different simply by using my middle name. Funny huh?


  1. Cute story, using all three names mean trouble!

    1. Yes it mother and father did not give me a middle name. I guess they were in trouble a lot when they were small.

  2. I still use my children's three names (sometiimes even my husband's) when I want their undivided attention. When my youngest son was in kindergarten, the teacher asked him what he wanted her to call him..."Andrew, Andy or AJ". He spoke right up and said, "I don't like Andy. The only one who calls me Andrew is my mom when I am in trouble. I prefer AJ." Such a smart boy.

    1. He was very young to have figured that out...yes he is a very smart boy. :)

  3. I just use the first two names...they know they are in trouble. One in their 40's and the other one is 50!

    1. Once a mom, always a mom. We are all the same aren't we?

  4. Ah the default mode when we want to get our grown children's attention. or let them know we are displeased. Not sure what mine is, but I do know that during a recent visit to my son and his family--they live an airplane ride away from us--I looked up at him for a minute and he said, "Why do you have that look on your face?" Not sure what the look was. Mostly I was squinting into the sun. But there must be an admonishing look I didn't and don't know about. We never stop pushing their buttons, do we? even when it's inadvertent.

  5. I use it even with my grandson. He's two and he likes to ignore dire warnings unless I use all three names. We're a work in progress. His twin sister wouldn't care what you called her, she only answers if she wants to!


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