Friday, December 22, 2017

Did I Really Say that?

This is an updated post from 2014. It keeps getting better and better! 

I have to admit it. I can swear but I try to keep it a secret. I am a total fraud and Google knows it. I found that out after I wrote this article. Now I find out that Dame Judith Dench thinks my choice of words shows courage. Plus Rubber Shoes in Hell is not setting a good example for me. Wow!

I know, the word cussing is old fashioned but just work with me here. Cussing is what we called it back in the day. In fact, cussed (cuss-said) was a swear word back then. We would call mean old men those cussed old guys or a dog that bit that cussed dog.

I didn't hear many really bad words in my day. My mother said dang once in a while. But I must have heard some bad words somewhere. My mother claimed I said dammit over and over while I jumped up and down on the bed. I was in trouble for jumping and cussing. It was not a good day in my world. Then I claimed that my Auntie Ardella said it all the time. My Auntie was a saint and I am sure she never used a bad word in her entire life. I probably was guilty of lying too. I don't remember doing any of that very clearly.

Cover of "Phooey!"
Cover of Phooey!
My father always cussed in the basement when he hit his thumb with a hammer or cut a board too short twice. However, he was out of earshot at least as far as understanding the words were concerned. I did hear him call his bosses SOBs a time or two but since I could not spell it didn't matter.  That was as bad as it got. I don't think he would have been a "real man" back in those days if he had  not done that.

I was a teacher and the "f" word was never allowed. Student would be surprised when the parents were called but still, they did get a call. I can understand why they needed to spout off occasionally. But still.

I discovered that sometime things went wrong, I was frustrated. That was when I learned a few bad words...fiddlesticks, dog-gone-it, shoot, phooey and later what in the Sam Hill? 

I always felt a little guilty when I lost control but lose control I did! And my vocabulary became more colorful as time passed. I have spent a lifetime trying to overcome this very bad habit.  But, a bad word or phrase will slip out in normal everyday conversation. I am generally on the golf course. Dear me, I sound like a sailor or a person that was raised by wolves.

Now Dame Judith Dench, age 80+ says that maturity gives us the courage to say what is on our mind. Interesting I think. I'm not sure if it is courage or lack of self control. Sigh!

Rubber Shoes in Hell, one of my favorite blogs, uses phrases like,  "Oh dear god. Fucking hell."  the same way I say "Oh my. Darn". Same meaning, different generations.

As I age I want to become more of a lady not less. I really do. I think that dignity and modeling of good manners never goes out of style.  Oh My (smile) how I wish it were easy. But it is not.

I tell myself often that I do NOT suffer from a disorder that leaves me unable to control my language. I cannot decide if I should fight it or just embrace it. After all, if Judith says it is okay, who am I to disagree.

Unfortunately Google sees right through me. I was a little taken aback when I saw that they suggested f*__k as a label option.

Any thoughts



  1. As always, I love your attitude and wish we were neighbors.

  2. I love to cuss. I can't help it!!!

    1. I saw a writer that said he liked the way a cuss word fell off his tongue. I try not to act like I have a problem with self control but in truth it is hopeless. I suppose I may as well embrace my quirks...!

  3. Too funny. I remember there was a childhood song with a chorus, Amsterdam, and we all thought we were naughty when we sang it. Times change!

    1. I understand that totally. I even had a hard time calling a dam a dam!

  4. Love your self-disclosure. My daughters teach me how to cuss with abandon. WTF.

    1. Me too. They also taught me not to iron, a mess is perfectly okay and how to be a b*%*ch. It turned out they were a fountain of information. My grandchildren are picking right off where they left off!

  5. I do not cuss as vigorously in public as I do in private, but I do it in the interest of good dentition. When used properly, swear words blast the plaque build-up from the backs of my teeth and I recommend it to all people sincerely concerned with dental health.

    1. Maturity and good dental health...what more could a girl ask for? Thank you George. You made me laugh.

  6. I was discussing a recent movie, "Three Billboards" with some friends, and one said she wouldn't recommend it because every other word was the "F" bomb, and I have to say I was embarrassed because I never even noticed! :-)

    1. I do so know what you are saying...our conscience becomes less aware. And, in this time, what was once bad is now just ordinary.

      Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  7. Say it like a lady! Merry Christmas.

    1. I really do...most of the time! :) Merry Christmas Meryl.

  8. Hi Barbara! I tend to keep my cussing to myself (or only with my DH!) because I realize the only time I do it is when I'm angry or frustrated. And who needs to share that with others? I also just finished the book The Blue Zones of Happiness that had a "bit" on how they are tracking words on Facebook and how that shows whether you are a happy and positive person--or the opposite. That was encouragement to me to watch what I say. Sure I have my disappointments and things I wish were different, but cussing ranks up their with complaints to me. Far better to do my best to keep them under wraps. Meanwhile, I hope you had a wonderful holiday and like me, are hoping for a better 2018 for us all. ~Kathy

    1. I think you’re absolutely right. It is very interesting to know how the Internet mixup and encourages swearing. I really don’t swear unless on in private or with my dear husband or with friends. And then very little there. I’m wishing you a very happy 2018 to.


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