Saturday, June 16, 2018

Wearing PJ's on the Street

I don't know about you but I do try to get out of my pajamas before 10 am and I would never wear them to the grocery store. I am just saying!

When we were in China 10 or so years ago, the Chinese women were wearing "leisure wear" on the street. Flannel, satin, cotton, peter pan collared pajamas.
Pajamas in Public

The Olympics were coming to the country soon and all the cab drivers were playing English language lessons in their cabs. AND the government had issued an more leisure wear in public. It was forbidden.

So no I go to my local beauty shop and pick up a magazine about celebrities and guess what young starlets are wearing? You guessed it. There was a series of various women wearing satin, flowered pajamas. The headline was "Pajamas are not just for the bedroom anymore!"

All I could see was us pointing and snickering at the Chinese women that did that back in the day. AND it occurred to me that we would do the same thing here in American today.

Goodness me. I am speechless!



  1. Looks very nice to me. I remember seeing pajamas on the street in Beijing and thought it looked comfy. :-)

    1. I don't know...flannel pajamas on the street? Not so much. I am reminded of "The Emperors New Clothes".")

  2. Replies
    1. Send me a PJ's will not be seen on the street anytime soon! If you do see me out in them, send for help! OK? :)


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