Monday, November 5, 2018

Is It All in How You Look At It?

Today is my birthday...the day after the last day of being what I was last year or the first day of the rest of my life. In the end it really is all in how you look at it isn’t it.

Tomorrow is Election Day so every post on Facebook is about what tomorrow will mean for our country. Is it the first day of the beginning for our country or is it just one day closer to my next last day? Interesting isn’t it?

When my husband pointed out to me that it was my "last day" at dinner last night, I was shocked at the emotional response I had. See, I had never, never seen the passing of time in that light. For me the tomorrows were what life was all about...good or bad what happened next or as a result of what I did today what what mattered.

What lens are you using to see your life? 



  1. Happy birthday, Barbara. I'm 64 and the happiest I've ever been in my life. I look at it this way: yes, our bodies will decline somewhat but as we age, our heart, mind, and soul become stronger. It's not the last anything. It's the first.

    1. Well, for each of us, it truly is how we look at it. I hope your book signing went beautifully. Wish I could have been there.

  2. Happy b'day, and all I can say is: you have a good point of view!


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