Monday, December 17, 2018

Living in the Way Back Machine

It is never more apparent that during the Christmas Holidays that we live in the “Way Back Machine”. As we bring out the ornaments (fewer and fewer each year) it is occurring to us that we could sell those beautiful pieces of glass at an antique store to pay for a wonderful gift for everyone we know.

We probably should do that because each year a few more are broken. In fact, my family might be looking at that stuff and evaluating their worth.

Those things that my husband and I think of as “new” are very old now. When was that we bought those...was our youngest a sophomore in high school? It could be.

After the joyful season, we put it all away and the new parts of our lives emerge once again. I simply love the whole cycle of life that flows on around me.

Happy “way back machine” Season to you!


How do things go at your house?


  1. We don't decorate, but I sure enjoy seeing everybody else's decorations, both outside and in. I love that pretty bauble. Please don't break it! :-)

  2. I promise I will try not to break anything. But, like my body, everything is kind of fragile.


Leave your thoughts...I am interested.

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