Monday, August 31, 2009

From flickr to your travel to add pictures!

River Winds
River Winds

Columbia River Near Arlington, Oregon
image by b

I have already written about our trip home from Arizona last spring. This picture is one of my favorites from this trip. I love windmills and stop to take pictures anytime we see them along the horizon.

That is not the information I want to share with you today. For those of you that love to write a travel blog, you know that pictures are an integral part of the whole when you tell a story. Blogger has a wonderful picture loading function that really does make it so easy. Many times though, I want to use the pictures I have saved on my flickr site (torristravels). It saves the time it takes to go through over a thousand images to find just the right one.

Last night I was adding a couple of pictures when I discovered a HTML function on my flickr account that allows me to add a a picture by copying the code and then just inserting it into my blog (click on Edit HTML just above your post page, add code from flickr and go back to compose. The image should appear on your post page.)

The secret flickr button is located on the page that opens when you click on the image in your flicker home page. The picture will open and just above it you will find options for your use of that image. Right in the middle is a + sign with the words "all sizes" When you click on this, your image will appear, choices for the size you want are given and below that is the HTML code that you can copy and paste onto your blog post page.

I have given you the large and medium images so you can see the differences.

Hope you find this useful.


If you want to use my pictures, you will need to ask for permission.
I will not change your flickr account pictures that you are using on you blog...they won't come here on the blog if you do. Trust me-I know!!!
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