Monday, February 22, 2010

Decorating a Tiny House/Apartment...Link to Links!

photo from Land Choices

Apartment Therapy...At both ends of our lives we seem to live in cramped spaces.  When we are starting out, we live in a space that barely lets you change you mind let alone rearrange the furniture.  I am one of those people at the other end of that life...the retired, downsized mature person living in small spaces once again.  And you know what....I LOVE IT!!!  I rearrange my furniture and change my mind...maybe I  have less of both at this time in my life.

My husband and I fill our spaces with our being and living.  We are not big people so we don't require much space.  The kitchen dance has gotten to be a kind of ritual with us...if we are cranky, one person just goes away and waits their turn. This works when we live with one small bathroom too.

If you are like me, you probably are interested in seeing how other people live.  If you live in 650 square feet or less, you won't find much information to help you make some useful changes.  I guess that is why I was so excited when I found the Apartment Therapy website today.  Resources and Sites for Small Spaces was one of the articles they listed as a top blog. This link led me to another article in Mindful Metropolis called Small Solutions, Finding Peace in a Pint Sized Home.  Discardia is a lean and mean little website that has suggestions for simplifying our life plus you can sign up to get twitter tips on de-cluttering every day.   
Discardia is the time to get rid of things that no longer add value to your life, shed bad habits, let go of emotional baggage and generally lighten your load. (Discardia website) 
 These are just samples of what you will find.

If you are interested in looking what the younger designers are doing, you can start with Pure Style Home
Have fun.

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  1. These are really creative ideas! Check out this site that I have gotten a lot of decorating ideas from! It's really connvenient and has great suggestions!

  2. To Retire In Style Blog:

    Just found this great site today. This topic addresses transitioning to a smaller space later in life, which I am helping my mother to do. Great ideas and links. I am a newbie blogger and will try to "share" a link to this article on my senior travel blog (please visit it),

    By the way, I love this site's title, look, and especially this informative article. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am glad you are finding this information helpful. I will be updating it soon.


  4. This is a very interesting post. I live in an apartment so there are some very good ideas that I can use here. Thank you for sharing.


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