Monday, February 22, 2010

Retirement Bliss...a little work and a little sun!!!

I swore when I retired I would never get up in the dark again.  Boy was I wwwwrrrronnng!!!  
It was a pipe dream, sleeping in every morning.  I did not count on my three children having 11 grandchildren.  The youngest will be 39 and his wife just had the latest grandchild.  I am getting up in the dark again and hanging out with the baby's big brother as his mom and dad tend to doctor appointments.  My alarm went off  at 6:00 a.m this morning.  I drank a cup of coffee sitting up in my bed snoozing and waiting for the second alarm.  Then I dressed and headed down the road in the early morning light.

Retirement has taught me that those things I had come to think of as important after my children left home so I could live a carefree, my sleep, how I look as I head down the road...aren't!  I have found I still love helping my family when I am needed.  The rest of the time I sleep in, sit in the Arizona sunshine, golf, write, read, cook beautiful meals and stake my claim on retirement bliss.

Have a wonderful day!


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