Monday, May 3, 2010

Hoover Dam By Pass Bridge Pictures...2010

Clouds hang over the Colorado River canyon.

     This the third time we have crossed Hoover Dam in less than two years.  (See previous articles) Each time I have taken pictures from every angle that I could get in position to click...I never leave the car and we never stop.   Occasionally I reach across my husbands lap and click in the general direction of what I want to capture.  Really, it actually works sometimes.  This year the weather was cloudy and cool so a mist hung over the landscape.  This gave us a whole different kind of beauty.  
We cheered when we saw the profile of the bridge!
     The keystone had been put in place on this gigantic arch and concrete spans awaiting the placement of the decking are in place all the way across.  The decking is  installed on the east end of the bridge already.  Roadways approaching the bridge are being constructed but are far from complete.  I did notice that RV's are allowed on the road across the top of the dam right now but are being inspected thoroughly.  I don't know if this is always true.  Trucks are not allowed. 
RV inspection point.
View from the dam level up to the by pass bridge.
We cheered as we rounded the corner and could see the span connected.  We had been watching and waiting for this new engineering feat to become a part of the long Hoover Dam history.  What an amazing thing.                                                               
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