Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day at Home or Who Is Cooking the meal???

A hanging flower basket on the street lamppost...Image via Wikipedia
Listen up!  I want a basket like this!     
Who is cooking dinner?
     We joked for years about which of the men was going to make arrangements for Mother's Day.  Really, we were innocent enough to believe that our men were even interested in a holiday created by Hallmark. Sigh!  Let it be noted that we women are older and wiser now. We know that if we want something we had better stand up and be counted. We can vote, dance, work and buy our own gifts.  We may cook a meal for the family but we will be getting gifts!
     This Mother's Day will be a wonderful day for us. My daughter is running a half marathon, my son is working nights and I will fix lunch for everyone with my husband's help. I am so excited and am looking forward to having everyone gather in our home. I will fix my world famous chicken soup with homemade noodles, crudites and a flourless dessert (for myself). I will give gifts to grandchildren that had birthdays while we were gone.  AND I will give myself a gift!  Yeah!
What will I  be buying for myself?
    I have decided I am going to get myself a hanging basket.  In the northwest we grow beautiful Fushias.  I can remember the days when we could not afford one of the big baskets so I would buy small starts and grow my own.  This year I will have a big basket full of flowers growing by my kitchen window...even if I have to buy it for myself! One of the flowers in that basket will be a Fushia.  It will symbolize how far we women have come since I was married over fifty years ago. Happy Mother's Day to me!

Have a wonderful Friday!


PS:  Your mother may prefer a Kindle!
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