Saturday, May 28, 2011

Renewing my GRANDPARENT License! Humor!

Coming home from Arizona is always a little bit of a shock.  We return from a life that is all about me-me-me-me-me-me to a life filled with family and a need in our bones for grandchildren.  We have chosen every year to renew our Grandparent License so we can spend time with the grandchildren.  The fee for this license is a boat load of good Grandmother behavior.  The family holds the power to issue the rights it implies.  I have a very hard time qualifying every year.  :-)

The day we returned our grandson was playing in a Lacrosse game.  It was pouring rain and the temperature lingered at around 50 degrees.  It is those times that we wonder if we made the right choice by coming home.  Our daughter let us off the hook and said she didn't mind if we didn't come since we were "old" and "tired"!  I wondered when she would figure out that we are not that old and certainly not that tired. It was up to us she told us. So we did not go. I worry at times like that if we will qualify for the license again.

photo by Fresh Look Photography by Kim
Portland Metro Area
Then we spent a great deal of time (4 complete days) with our small grandsons, Brayden (3) and Brycen (17 months).  I chases the little ones around while my husband did half the work and all the cooking.  I thought we were golden until the boys mom asked us to go to the children's museum.  Because I am a retired elementary teacher I flashed on recess duty immediately and turned the invitation down without a second thought.  After I came home I thought "Bad grandma!" and felt worried again about the license thing.  

Am I a bad grandma or can I be forgiven because I have been at this "grandparent thing" for 19 years now?  I think that if I am not tired I really should be!  The jury is still out I guess.  I have never been a push over ever.  In fact I think I might be a little blunt and annoying. Hopefully, my family knows my heart is in my chest and my brain is out to lunch.  Better yet I hope they will forgive me!

Have a wonderful day.

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