Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TED and Mothers: Philosophies Worth Sharing

TED Talk
I subscribe to the TED Talk updates on my email. I don't always watch them but when I do, I am inspired. The brightest and best people are chosen to speak for 15 minutes on a subject about which they are passionate. But it is not only what they say, it is how they say it.

Note: The acronym TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design. Information on the organization is here.

Today I received an email telling about a talk by Ken Robinson on a topic called "How to escape education's Death Valley" (link). It is worth your time to watch. This man is not only very smart but he is also killer funny.

Robinson was talking about children and their education but it seemed to me that his information applied to all people. This is the thought that caught my interest. It speaks to why I believe that we all make our lives what we will. Here is what Robinson had to say about creativity:
.....that human life is inherently creative. It's why we all have different résumés. We create our lives, and we can recreate them as we go through them. It's the common currency of being a human being. It's why human culture is so interesting and diverse and dynamic. 
Funny Mothers Philosophy
But there is more. I belong to a group of writers over at Generation Fabulous. This Mother's Day we shared stories about our mothers as teacher. One of my favorites was Quotations from Chairman Mu. The mother quoted here is hilariously quirky and seriously funny. Here are a few:
Somebodies mother!
  • Never call anyone “sir.” And “madams” run brothels, so don’t call anyone that, either.
  • Always tell a person if she has lipstick on her teeth, but never tell her if it’s something she can’t fix—like a run in her stocking. (— NOTE: ACTUAL USEFUL ADVICE HERE.) 
  • “All you need in your handbag is a wallet, keys, tape and a stapler. Wallet for money. Keys to start the car/open the front door. Tape to clean lint off clothes, and stapler to repair torn hems.”
My Philosophy
I know I should be very wise by this time in life but unfortunately some days are better than others.  Here it is:
Life it too short to do what is not necessary. Water it if it's dry, throw it out if it's dead and goldfish don't like soap! As for the fish...well I just threw that in because if the goldfish dies, I will be the one that has to throw it out.
Have a wonderful day.


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