Monday, September 9, 2013

Keeping the Romance Alive? I have some date night ideas for you!

An article I wrote this last week has been published on Generation Fabulous. Date Night Keeps the Romance Alive is a tongue in cheek discription of what date night looks like as we grow older.  I think you will like it a lot.
"My husband and I have been married for 53 (almost) years. I know things have changed a lot since we were teens but don’t tell me the romance is not still alive! My husband and I are going on a date." Generation Fabulous
romance, date night, empty nest, seniors, long married couples
I just love it when reality makes me laugh...a lot. Just a little lie here and a little bent truth there...voila I have a story.  I hope you enjoy it.


Story post on Generation Fabulous 

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