Thursday, May 15, 2014

6 Idea for Building Affiliate Marketing

One of the things we miss most when we are not working or retired is the validation that working for an income provides. Someone thinks we are worthy and pays us to do what we do. I don't know about you but we missed that part of our careers. So, the question is, "How do you find validation and a little income when you are retired or a blogger?" That is where Adsense and Amazon come in if you are a blogger like me.

I'm restoring my water fountain
in my front yard and so I am
shopping for a pump. I
just thought you would want to know!

Tom over at Sightings Over Sixty left a comment and asked me the other day how I made any money using those sources that are allowed on Google Blogger. He said that he had tried Amazon and found that it just didn't provide the validation he wanted. It is tricky to say the very least. There are some ingredients I think you need to make it a worthwhile endeavor.
  1. Time is what you have the most of in retirement or a freelance blogger...time that you can do what YOU want and time is what it takes to make any money online.
  2. Products that you can write about consistently and truly want to promote.
  3. The ability to promote your affiliate position without putting off family and friends.
  4. Enthusiasm for following other people and connecting with them. 
  5. A Facebook account and a group of like minded people that are active in that media. I belong to several groups of women online that support each other. It has worked for me.
  6. Remain realistic in your expectations.
Yesterday I wrote about patience and how it can be such a positive thing. That is what affiliate marketing is all about for me. I suggest that you bookmark my Amazon page on your computer if you shop at Amazon. But I don't bombast you with emails that make you feel you are being stalked. I take my time and am not impatient if I don't see results. I have been doing this for several years. 

In my case, books are my go-to subject. But there are other things I buy. I use Amazon Prime so I usually get free shipping and I can send gifts to grandchildren without worrying that the postage will cost more than the gift. Anytime I buy something on Amazon, I post it on my Facebook account and talk about it on my blog. I write about products that I can promote sincerely. If I don't love the experience why would I try to sell it?

Amazon will also pay me a fee if I refer you to their program.

I love to shop so I visit those website that carry a product that I love and follow their links to find really good stuff that I actually would like to have. For me it is clothes and beautiful things for my home or garden and gifts for my family/friends. It may be boating or financial interests or even underwear for you. (Remind me to tell you about my pantelones underwear online order one day soon.) Then I write about it on my blog. ADSENSE will add links in my sidebar ads that fit what I write about. If people click on those (as I hope they willI receive some income. I get several checks a year from them...sometimes more and sometimes less.

Word of mouth is my best connection. I have spoken to those people in my family that shop at Amazon and asked them to bookmark my Amazon link. They all told their friends and hopefully the word will get out more and more. I also have asked my friends to do the same...once. I have mentioned my account on my Facebook page and in the groups like Midlife Boulevard to which I belong on that social media website.

The key here is you realize this is not easy money. It is something much, much more. It is a small way of validating what we do for fun. Seeking out readers, telling them what you like and spending time being a reader/follower can pay off for you but it will not come fast. I personally think that small income and building an affiliate presence can make a big difference in your life.

I would be interested in hearing any other idea you have.  Just leave a comment with a link to your blog.

Be well.


Note: I only get a fee if you buy something on Amazon or Adsense. The links above are for your convenience. I hope you found the information helpful.

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  1. Some good tips. I think the difference betw. adsense and amazon is that someone only has to click on adsense for you to get a little money, while someone has to BUY something from amazon for you to get credit. Casual visitors to your site will click on adsense but are unlikely to buy something from amazon. So I think the idea for amazon, as you say, is to get your family and friends to link thru your site, and they will make their amazon purchases thru your blog, and then you can get some income that way.

    1. Tom, I earn a few hundred dollars a year from readers clicking to Amazon from my blog and buying something. Like Barbara, I feature books most of the time, but will add gift cards during the Christmas holiday season. It all takes no effort on my part so the money is "free."

    2. I think it is key that you need to be willing to build on both sights. Bob L. you have a HUGE reader group that is loyal (I assume). That helps greatly.

      Tom, as you point out, Amazon takes a little salesmanship. That really is not
      something I am necessarily good at but it is fun to try and see what happens.

      Be well guys.



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