Saturday, December 20, 2014

4 SMALL HOSTESS Gifts that Made My Christmas Rock

We had a little party last a Chinese Restaurant...with a dance in the RV resort. I wasn't chic or even exciting but it was perfect for us. We are very lucky to have 6 friends that we can count on for table partners and shared experiences. AND we know each other so well, we are always able to find the perfect gifts for each other. Here are a few we have exchanged this Christmas Season:

I originally found these at World Market. They are just gorgeous and the perfect gift for a friend that loves to cook.

Last night I received this knife from a friend. IT is shaped very much like my large butcher knife but is simply smaller. I fits so perfectly in my hand. I am a little arthritic so that is important. I absolutely love it.

I do not collect chickens but what kitchen is complete without a nod to such a wonderful image. A friend gave me one that I love.

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