Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dear Santa....I can explain!

1914 Santa Claus in japan
1914 Santa Claus in japan
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you are a reader of mine you know that I was born guilty. If a crime is committed in the neighborhood and the police come to  my door, I will confess. Even though I didn't know about the crime and cannot help the police, I am sure that in some way I am responsible. It is just the way I am.

I am not a Catholic so I don't get to confess my sins and even though I say I am sorry a lot, it seems that I alway feel at odds with the world. It is not easy being me.

So...when I saw this sign in the front window of a small rv in my park I knew that I had finally found a solution. Santa could help. The sign said:
Dear Santa, 
I can explain... 
Love, _________________
There you have it. I will send a simple letter to Santa, try to explain why I did what I did and hope. I can trust Santa and I know he is a good guy so he will probably forgive my mistakes. If there is a gift in my stocking, I will know that I am golden for one more year.

Have a wonderful day.



  1. I know exactly what you mean, and I'm not Catholic either. I'm a secular Jew. So I won't be writing any letters to Santa this X-Mass. But I'll continue to do the best I can, despite all the mistakes I know I'll make.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Roz...isn't it a wonderful world when we think that doing the best we can is enough. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  2. Raised Baptist and guilty of things I had nothing to do with.

    Years ago, the police told me to pull over and wait for them. Which I did. When they didn't show, I thought maybe they meant around the corner, so I moved and waited, then repeated this charade. My then husband asked why I didn't just go to the station and turn myself in for failure to come to a complete stop.

    1. Well, Jane, being guilty is one thing but going to the police station. I am not THAT guilty and I am sure you aren't either. :)

      Have a wonderful Christmas Season.

  3. Oh, that is tooooo funny! Sad part is that I can so relate. I am either feeling guilty or worrying. But, as I have aged I have come to realize that is just the way I am made and have learned to laugh at myself....and if someone says Sorry....I look around as I assume that is my middle name...LOL!

    1. We answer to "Sorry", "Will someone get me the toilet paper" and "Hey you". I have no middle name and that may be a good thing. :)


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