Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Birth of the Illegal Immigrant + Were They Joking About that Wall?

Do you ever wonder HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Is it a very bad joke gone wrong? First the KKK, then a very big wall.

AND...when did taking children away from parents and holding them hostage become a way of getting legislation passed?

As it turns out, determent camps are looking better and better. At least children were not taken away from their parents when German, Japanese and Italian people were held in such places during WWII.

As I understand it, our mess started with our president being easily bored. His mind is going a mile a minute so staying on the subject is hard. I understand how that is.

I question the idea than anyone was serious about building a wall when it first came up. I think that it was during one of those squirrelly hyper active moments that Trump jumped from another subject to illegal Mexicans and their drugs and guns that someone in his group suggested that we could just build a really high wall between around the USA. They were, I have read, simply trying to get him to focus. Is this true? Did that happen. But most importantly...could they have been just joking, easing the tension? Maybe. 

From Fox News. Image by Carolyn Kaster, The Associated Press

In the end it doesn't really matter. The nonsense ship has sailed. Even John Kelly said that "that some of President Donald Trump’s campaign promises on immigration were 'uninformed.'" But we will say one thing for Trump, he does keep a campaign promise, even a very bad one.

What a mess this has left us with! Honestly!

Our unwanted and hated immigrants have been a problem since the USA actually became a independent nation. Those that arrived early resented the Irish, the Catholics and then the Chinese. A law was passed in 1884 call the Chinese Exclusion Act. It was our first Federal immigration law.

If you are interested, you can go to places like Pendleton, Oregon and find how those Chinese people lived under the sidewalks in underground villages in order to survive. I have been there and seen what that was like.

As history shows us, the more we tried to block legal entry into the USA, the worse illegal entry has became. This gave rise to some vicious and illegal practices by government officials.  I give you Joe Arpaio of Arizona. His tent cities for illegals gained national attention as inhumane and he was ordered to quit racial profiling of Hispanics by the courts.  He was convicted of a ignoring that order in 2017. Trump pardoned him shortly thereafter.

But I digress.

As I was saying, that Chinese exclusion act was revised and became the 1924 Immigration Act introduced quotas that gave preference to northern and western Europe and only allowed only those who could become a naturalized citizen as defined by a law that dates back to 1790. Then that ugly law reared it's head again just lately:
Our Attorney General, Jefferson Sessions ".... stated that the 1924 Immigration Act “was good for America.” 
But according to Mae M. Ngai, a professor of Asian American studies and history at Columbia University, “the 1924 act is considered almost universally to be a stain on our history.”
History Channel has a very good article on the subject called The Birth of "Illegal" Immigration. In that article they referred to the Hart-Celler Immigration Act put into law in the mid 1960s.
Prior to this, Mexican immigrants freely, and commonly, found work in the United States. Yet after the Hart-Celler Immigration Act was passed, “Whole groups of migrants from Mexico and Latin America whose entrance to the U.S. would have been considered legal before 1965 suddenly became illegal,” writes Jane Hong, a history professor at Occidental College, in The L.A. Times. 
By ignoring the realities of migration between Mexico and the U.S., the law created a problem where there was none before. And this idea that the United States can radically alter immigrants’ legal status, for good or ill, has implications for today.
So when I got this comment on Facebook from a follower in India, I was very interested. She said
 I am not here to comment on what Trump is doing. I am not into the right or the wrong of it.

However, I want to tell you something.

Most Rohingya Muslims illegally entered India. And slowly some political parties helped in providing them with papers.

Despite living in refugee camps they have not stopped having babies. In an average each family has more than 8 kids and pregnant wives. Each day 60 kids are born.

They want all kinds of facilities from the Govt of India. They don't wish to be deported to Myanmar from where they arrived or to Bangladesh, their country of Origin.

When India talks of deporting, so called Human Rights activists cry foul. Why should we share our resources with refugees who are breeding like rabbits?
What is the solution? 
This Facebook post reminded me that people migrating around the world, trying to find some sort of life is so common. The children that the Facebook user talked about is one of our problems too. "Breeding like rabbits" is not a good idea. That is the other side of the immigration coin...illegal immigrants could be using their children to gain sympathy so they can get what they want.

Who knows where this is going! But I still wonder, is this wall idea a joke gone bad. Did the president of our country latch onto unwanted immigrants as a flash point so that the people that followed him would like him more...hatred...it doesn't really matter who the hatred is against. He just needed someone for them to  hate.

What do you think?


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Wearing PJ's on the Street

I don't know about you but I do try to get out of my pajamas before 10 am and I would never wear them to the grocery store. I am just saying!

When we were in China 10 or so years ago, the Chinese women were wearing "leisure wear" on the street. Flannel, satin, cotton, peter pan collared pajamas.
Pajamas in Public

The Olympics were coming to the country soon and all the cab drivers were playing English language lessons in their cabs. AND the government had issued an edict...no more leisure wear in public. It was forbidden.

So no I go to my local beauty shop and pick up a magazine about celebrities and guess what young starlets are wearing? You guessed it. There was a series of various women wearing satin, flowered pajamas. The headline was "Pajamas are not just for the bedroom anymore!"

All I could see was us pointing and snickering at the Chinese women that did that back in the day. AND it occurred to me that we would do the same thing here in American today.

Goodness me. I am speechless!


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Awkward Retirement or Are You a Bob or a Barbara

I see that Bob Lowery over at Satisfying Retirement is writing about the daily life of a retiree. He has a huge readership so I am sure many people are taking note. That is a good thing.

I know Bob and his wife and have spent time with them. I think that he and I are pole opposites in that he likes a plan and I like a life lived willy nilly! I am sure that he finds me totally unorganized and a little bewildering.

My garden reflect my thought process. It is a scattered mass of this and that. Plants from friends, day lilies here and there and one single specimen when ten would have been much better. The truth is I really have no idea how to go about organizing my garden other than getting the things I regards as weeds out. Otherwise I am just happy stepping over and among the lilly and dying snapdragons.

Retirement for me is a lot like that. We leave when we want, come home when we are tired. Our vacations, even in foreign countries, not scheduled and agenda-ed. If we want to walk we walk. On our arrival we look at postcards (thank you for the idea Norah) and see what every tourist is visiting. Then we pick what appeals to us.

I can count the "guided tours" we have taken in museums or around town on one hand.

The question is probably "Aren't you missing stuff?" Yes, I think we are but I wouldn't change anything at all. We find more than we miss by far. Even in our daily life I know people are doing things I should do or even would like to do and I am a little envious. But not enough to prompt me to change.

Retirement for us is about the people both old and young. It is about good books, learning to put down ceramic tile and trying cold brewed coffee. I certainly don't feel the need to change the world so I don't think anyone is impressed with the ease with which my husband and I approach every day.

I, on the other hand, am impressed with the things that other's do. Bob is making retirement a huge success and I love that. He started blogging long after I had taken the pursuit up. He surpassed me within a few months. The fact that he asked me a few things about our retirement lifestyle and included an article by me in his book made me happy.

So, now you have retired, what do you do with all that time? Are you a Bob or a Barbara? You tell me. I still have days when I feel lost but I have learned to adapt and have a plan for when that happens. I suppose Bob feels a little frustrated when his plans for the day don't work out. I would follow that he too has a plan.

So, if you are retired, how do you spend your day? I am interested.


Read other post about the retirement lifestyle here on this blog:

12 Posts about A Day in the Life of a Retiree.

2017 Version of Retirement Lifestyle

An Interview with me by Bob Lowery

Living the Future (I think this was is very good.)

Sometimes all the Important thing are in your own Front Yard!

My Own Front Yard
It's a Wonderful World!

My Irish

My Library Box

In My Library Box

It's a Wonderful World

Have a wonderful day!


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Magpie Murders: A Novel by Anthony Horowitz (Author) or OH NO!!!!

I just finished reading the most interesting and convoluted mystery book ever. Magpie Murders, is a novel written by best selling author Anthony Horowitz. It called my name when it was placed in my Library Exchange located in my front yard. It was described on the jacket of the book as "a thinking mystery reader's book". I was not disappointed.

I bought into the mystery and was nearing the solution. I could not stop reading. Then the whole thing came to a screeching halt. That is why at the end of section 5, chapter 1 and chapter 2, I looked up at my husband in shock and cried, "Oh no!" (I can't tell you why...it would ruin the whole book.)

I finished the book last night. A story within a story that invites you into finding a solution for a murder, this book was one that I did not want to lay down and I really didn't want it to be over with. It is a must read.

But better yet, you really need to check out the author's biography. It is in an of itself a "page turner". 

I am an Amazon Associate and if you decide to buy the book on Amazon, you can go through the link above. You will not regret it. 

What book are you reading?


Friday, June 8, 2018

What Does Your Mind-House Look Like?

b+ (Retire in Style Blog)
I read the most wonderful blog post this morning. Carla Birnberg over at unapologetically myself reminded me that we need to form a habit of being optimistic. According to her what we say about our self to our self or to someone else becomes our reality. I know, this is not big news. We all know it. But, I guess we need to be reminded that we all live in the house we have built for our self. She said:
“My existence is a clear reflection of my thoughts.” Carla Birnberg, unapologetically myself
When a friend asked her if she had any problem areas her response was "No!"! Not true entirely but still she was shaping her own reality.

I think she has hit upon something that we all need to keep in our minds. Our Mind-House is one we built for ourselves. Only we live in that house so it becomes what we make of it. We can arrange the furniture, admire the arrangement and even tell others how great it looks in there. It is ours and ours alone.

So Carla made me wonder...is it true that we can change the course of our life with our voice? What do you think? How do the conversations you have leave you feeling? Do you go away with hope? Do the peoples that leave you feeling better than when they arrived? Think about it.

Does that make sense? I don't know. I do know that aging makes me realize that I am happy because I choose to be. If you saw me today and asked me how I was doing, my answer would be "Wonderful. How about you?" My Mind-House is in very good order and I like what is going on inside my head.

I know that Carla was absolutely right, my existence is a clear reflection of my thoughts.

How are you today?


Thank you Carla Birnberg for lifting me up today! :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Retirement and Bill Clinton: That's What I'm Talking About!

I know you have all seen the interviews with Bill Clinton and James Patterson. The newly released book co-authored by the duo give the media a chance to gather information from the less and less visible Clinton. It has been interesting. PERIOD!

But that is not what I am thinking. I am thinking, "That is what I am talking about!" When an former President of the United States takes a left turn (the dangerous kind of turn) and comes out doing something totally different I am interested.

See, I have been expounding on the possibilities in retirement for over 10 years now. We retirees are all "former" something and taking that left turn, the one that challenges us to be creative in a different way, is the one that can be so much fun.

Thank you President Clinton for setting a good example for retirees. We are all multi-talented if we choose to be and retirement gives us the opportunity to explore a new talent.

So, here we go...thanks to James Patterson and Bill Clinton.

What could be your "left turn"?

Have a wonderful day!


Friday, June 1, 2018

100 Words

Back in the day before Retire in Style Blog I wrote fiction for weekly prompts. I love to follow a "meme" for inspiration. It was part of my 10,000 hours of experience...I am still working toward my 10,000 hours. Here is one I saw today that sounded like a lot of fun. 100 words to tell a story about a picture...not as easy as it sounds.

Did Curiosity Kill the Cat

PHOTO PROMPT © Connie Gayer
She only knew what she could see from the basement window and that Curiosity might kill the cat.
The keeper's name was Curiosity. His shovel and a pile of rocky soil was his work. The cat often rubbed the shovel with no notice of the watery mud at the bottom of the hole.

Curiosity glanced up, she caught his eye…nothing prepared her for the look of impatience on his face. 

What was he doing, did it have anything to do with her cat? She was sure that Curiosity was going to kill that cat sooner or later.

Have a wonderful day!


For: Common Ground Fictioners

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Five Little Ducks...stories played out!

The children's song about the little ducks leaving the nest to fly away has always been one of my favorites.  Every mother has seen thei...