Monday, April 29, 2019

When seeds decide where they will grow...

I had always thought that I was the one that decided where the plants would grow. I would hoe and till and plant the seeds. As I grew older, I have came to realize that that is not necessarily true.

Take the tiny library box that sits at our curb. My husband built the box several years ago and I held a happy hour in my house, provided the goodies and all people had to do was bring a book for the library. We planted the seeds in our neighborhood for sharing with each other.

It was at that meeting that we talked about what people enjoyed. It was suggested that not only books but puzzles should be put in the box. We were off and running. The seeds had been planted.

It wasn't until the next fall when my husband and I were in preparation for departure that I realized that someone would need to keep watch over that precious box. It needed to be straightened, kept dry and occasionally purged of books that nobody wanted to read.

I trooped over next door with a silicone drier and asked my neighbor if she would mind being the caretaker.

What happened next is the part where the seeds grew not in my front yard but in my neighbor's heart. The dear dear woman cleaned, rearranged and even decided what to take away. Several years have passed now and she feels that the box is her's as much as it is ours. What a beautiful flower had grown. She was the one that made the box a neighborhood gift.

Janette is 86 years old and a dear friend/neighbor. Am I lucky or what?

My life is wonderful.



  1. Hi Barbara! I have seen those boxes in neighborhoods and been in awe of them. How great that you created one and put it in your yard. I have also seen those with food in them...and mini food pantry for those in need and also think that is a great idea. But because I too leave for the summer wondered how to "manage" them. You came up with a perfect solution and it works for you both. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Yes, do it. You can actually buy them online. Most will be much smaller which, in most cases, is a positive.

      Be well

  2. Do you boomers realize how universally hated you are? There is not one single demographic that does not hate you- white people, black people, asians, mexicans, indians, chinese, millennials, GenX, GenZ. Something tells me that you boomers are not going to have a very comfortable or easy retirement, especially once you end up in the retirement homes.

    1. Well, I suppose that people like you need someone to hate. Go for it!

  3. I am still in a bit of a surreal world right now, having just finished a wonderful book, fiction, about women in the French Resistance and saved many people from certain death. Read it if you want to get lost, too: Kristin Hannah's book "The Nightingale." And then I got online to read my blogs, and yours is the first one in my mailbox. It makes me realize how really fortunate we are to have such friends in our lives. Thank you for being an inspiration in your part of the world. Sending you hugs! :-)


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