Monday, October 21, 2019

Ultimate Beginner Blogger Simple Hints

Blog header I created. When I posted this image I clicked extra large so you could see it better.
There are just a few things that I think are worth remarking on. I see things on blogs that I really like to read that I think would make those blogs so much better. I hope you will find my ideas useful. Don't be afraid to play with your blog website...
  • Did you know that double spacing after the end of a sentence is NOT a good idea when blogging? You will notice that your next line if off one space if you double space at the end of each sentence.
  • Did you know that if you change your theme just for fun or out of necessity, all of your information moves forward with the change?
  • Did you know that if you go to your theme and click the orange customize  button you can change with width of your blog post space For example, if you chose the Awesome theme you can make the width of your sidebar and post space difference. You can then preview the blog page before you  make it permanent. It will make you blog look more professional while making it easier to read. Like so many my age, I need a bigger page and font be able to read.
  • You can create your own header using photoshop or even a simple photo editing app.
  • There are some very beautiful blog headers available online at no cost. Check them out.
  • Did you know that, if you are a photographer that would like to insert you own photograph in the header, you can do that. Just choose to put your picture behind the title. You are going to like the results.
  • You can also change the size of your fonts across the whole blog page in the customize area.
Can you add anything that is bothering you about this blog or any other? I am interesting.



Leave your thoughts...I am interested.

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